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Ryan Brown, Revolutionizing Battery Storage with Zinc-ion ESS | Ep 148

On this episode of Clean Power Hour, we dive deep into the world of zinc-ion energy storage. Our guest is Ryan Brown, CEO and co-founder of Salient Energy, a Canadian company that is betting on the unique properties of water based zinc-ion batteries. Zinc is a commodity which is produced at ten times the volume of Lithium in the global economy, so it could play a critical role in helping the US achieve the estimated six terawatt hours of storage needed for a clean grid by 2050. Water-based Zinc batteries also have no thermal runaway concerns that have plagued Lithium batteries.

If Brown is right, the water-based Zinc-ion chemistry that Salient is pursuing has equal energy density (power footprint), cycle lifetime, and a lower carbon footprint than the Lithium alternative. Salient is going to market with a residential storage solution but has ambitions to tackle the Utility Scale ESS market.

In this episode, we unravel the story behind Ryan Brown's passion for energy storage and how it led to the birth of Salient Energy. If storage is your jam then you’ll dig this episode of the Clean Power Hour! We ask, if Zinc is such a good storage medium, why isn’t Elon Musk going after Zinc storage? Listen, and you’ll see that Brown has an astute analysis of Tesla’s business model which explains the all-in approach they are taking to Lithium batteries.

We discuss the factors that influence the choice between Lithium Ion and Zinc batteries. There is no perfect storage medium and so all chemistries have trade-offs. Hopefully you’ll gain insight into the advantages and key differences between Zinc and Lithium for stationary storage and the immense potential that Zinc batteries hold for a sustainable future.

Tim and Ryan explore the future of residential storage, shedding light on the upcoming trends and innovations in this rapidly evolving market. Discover how battery energy storage is transforming the residential landscape, empowering homeowners to harness clean energy and increase their energy independence.

Tim and Ryan also discuss the changing dynamics of the battery energy industry as a whole. From emerging technologies to shifting market demands, they uncover the forces shaping the future of energy storage. Get ready to stay ahead of the curve with these invaluable insights.

Tune in to this thought-provoking episode of Clean Power Hour, as Tim Montague and Ryan Brown take you on an enlightening journey through the world of Zinc Energy Storage. Gain a competitive edge in the realm of battery technology, and join the conversation that's shaping the future of clean energy storage.

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Key Takeaways:
1. Ryan Brown's Journey into Energy Storage
2. The Birth of Salient Energy.
3. Salient Energy's Vision and Strategy to Disrupting the Battery Storage Market
4. Why isn’t Elon Musk doing Zinc batteries?
5. Lithium Ion vs. Zinc: Unraveling the Key Differences
6. How Zinc Batteries are Unleashing the Potential in Residential Clean Energy
7. The Future of Battery Energy: Trends and Transformations

#CleanPowerHour #ZincEnergyStorage #BatteryRevolution